«After Post-Positivism»
III Congress of the Russian Society for History and Philosophy of Science
September 8-10, 2022
Saratov, Russia
Congress Program
Russian Society for History and Philosophy of Science, Saratov National Research State University and Saratov State Law Academy cordially invite philosophers and all scientists interested in HPS to the III Congress of the Russian Society for History and Philosophy of Science «After Post-Positivism», which will take place on September 8-10, 2022 in Saratov, Russia.
The Congress will commemorate the centenaries of two eminent philosophers of the 20th century, Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996) and Imre Lakatos (1922-1974). The Congress will consider the legacy of Thomas Kuhn and Imre Lakatos in the context of contemporary debates in the history and philosophy of science, the relevance of postpositivist strategies in general, their significance for the development of modern epistemological, social and historical studies of science and their impact on the formation of principles and methods of scientific activity. The congress will also discuss general issues of the history and philosophy of science and technology, methodology of particular disciplines, the problems of the social status of scientific knowledge, and scientific communication practices.
The Organizing Committee
Co-chairs of Organizing Committee:
Ilya Kasavin, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the RSHPS;
Igor Nevvazhay, Professor, Head of Philosophy Department, Saratov State Law Academy.
Secretary of the organizing committee: Denis Artamonov, Associate professor of philosophy and methodology of science of Saratov National Research State University.
Members of the organizing committee:
Sergey Belousov (SSLA), Mikhail Orlov (SNRSU); Lyudmila Aksenovskaya (SNRSU), Elena Belinskaya (MSU); Sergey Danilov (SNRSU); Alexander Mikhelev (SSLA); Vitaly Ogleznev (SPbSU).
The Program Committee
Co-chairs of the Program Committee:
Lada Shipovalova, Head of the Department of Philosophy of Science and Technology, St. Petersburg State University;
Vitaly Kosykhin, Head of the Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science, Saratov National Research State University.
Secretary of the Program Committee:
Sophia Tikhonova, Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Social Philosophy, Saratov National Research State University.
Members of the program committee:
Valentin Bazhanov (Ulyanovsk State University); Elena Andriyanova (Saratov State Medical University); Andrey Sevalnikov (Institute of Philosophy RAS); Vadim Vasiliev (Moscow State University); Vladimir Markin (Moscow State University); Natalia Yastreb (Vologda State University); Irina Griftsova (Moscow Pedagogical State University); Marianna Shakhnovich (St. Petersburg State University); Sergey Katrechko, (Russian Orthodox University of St. John the Evangelist, Moscow); Alexander Dorozhkin (Nizhnij Novgorod State University).
Keynote speakers:
Ilya Kasavin (Institute of Philosophy of RAS); Natalia Kuznetsova (Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology of RAS); Igor Nevvazhay (Saratov State Law Academy), Paul Hoyningen-Huene, (Zürich), Vladimir Porus (Russian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science), Grigory Tulchinsky (Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg), Steve Fuller (Warwick University), Igor Dmitriev (Herzen State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg), Cheryce von Xylander (the Leuphana University Lüneburg )
At Saratov National Research State Univeristy
History and Philosophy of Mathematics (organizers: V. Bazhanov, A. Kritchevetz, Ju. Shevtzova)
History and Philosophy of Natural Sciences (K. Ivanov, V. Terekhovich, R. Maslov)
History of Philosophy of Psychology (L. Aksenovskaya, E. Belinskaya)
Science and Society (L. Shipovalova, S. Tikhonova, O. Stolyarova)
Philosophical Problems of Computer Science and Information Technologies (N. Yastreb, N. Kovaleva)
Science and Religion (M. Orlov, M. Shakhnovich)
At Saratov State Law Academy
History and Philosophy of Social Sciences and Humanities (I. Nevvazhay, V. Perov, Ju. Kolesnikov)
Philosophical Problems of Cognitive Science (V. Vasiliev, A. Kuznetsov, M. Shugurov)
Philosophical Logic (V. Markin, I. Mikirtumov, V. Erokhin)
Rhetoric of Science (I. Griftzova, G. Sorina, N. Erokhina)
At Saratov State Medical University
Institutional and Socio-Cultural Dimension of Modern Medical Science (E. Andriyanova, O. Popova)
Round Tables:
Kantian Transcendentalism as Metaphysics of Possible Experience: Realism and/or Anti-Realism (S. Katrechko, V. Kosykhin, A. Shiyan)
Breaking up with Positivism: Experience and Strategies of Historians of Science (N. Kuznetsova, E. Zheltova, M. Bogatov).
The Second Quantum Revolution and the Incommensurability of Scientific Paradigms (A. Sevalnikov, N. Golovko, E. Ivanov)
Science as a Political Subject (V. Porus, A. Demidov)
Visual Ecology of Digital Reality (V. Savchuk, K. Ocheretyany, R.G. Lipidin)
Theoretical Understanding of Myth in Scientific Methodology (A. Ivanov, A. Linchenko, D. Artamonov)
Digital Anthropology: Object, Methodology, History and Perspectives (A. Dydrov, N. Kozin)